R. Kinney Williams - Yennik, Inc.®
R. Kinney Williams
Yennik, Inc.

Non-Financial Institution
Subscription Form

This form for non-financial institutions only
If you are associated with a financial institution, please go to the 
Financial Institution Subscription Form

If you are already a subscriber, please e-mail Kinney Williams at examiner@yennik.com to change name, e-mail address, financial institution's name, etc.  This form is only for new subscribers.  


The E-mail Banking News - Please include me on your weekly e-mail list regarding  regulatory press releases from the OCC, FDIC, FRB, OTS, and NCUA.


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Internet Banking News - Also, please include me on your weekly e-mail list regarding financial institution web site compliance with federal consumer laws, Internet security, Internet privacy, and other Internet related issues.


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Please provide us with the all following information:
Name of Company
(Non-Financial Institution)
This is a required filed.  If you do not work for a company enter examiner for (name of agency), student, or not applicable.
First Name (Required)
Last Name (Required)
E-mail (Required)
E-mail (repeat)  (Required)
Validation Code   Please enter 1891237699  
Mailing Address
City (Required)
State (Required)
Zip Code
Web Site URL If applicable 
Telephone Number

Please provide any additional comments or questions.

You will receive periodic e-mails regarding important financial institution issues.
If you do not find the e-mails beneficial, we will remove you from the list.  Privacy Statement

IMPORTANT - If you are using spam filtering, you may have to configure the spam filter to receive the newsletters.  Please be sure that your spam filters are configured to accept html email communication from yennik.com.  If your service provider or e-mail program allows you to identify acceptable e-mail addresses (such as a white list), please add examiner@yennik.com to that list.  If you maintain an e-mail rule or filter to organize your mail based on the "From" field, please update to include examiner@yennik.com.


Thank you for your subscription.

Yennik, Inc.


This mark indicates a non-financial institution for record keeping purposes.

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